[gambit-list] Gambit in the browser

Mikael mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 03:52:06 EDT 2013


2013/6/9 Marc Feeley <feeley at iro.umontreal.ca>

> I have been experimenting with the emscripten C to JavaScript compiler.  I
> have used it to compile the Gambit interpreter into JavaScript.  This
> allows the Gambit interpreter to run in the browser!  Just direct your
> browser to
>     http://feeley.github.io/gambit-in-the-browser

> Be patient... it can take 30 seconds to a minute to load the page (there's
> about 11 MB of JavaScript code).

gzip -9 brings the 11.2MB to 1.88MB which is really fair.

The feeley.github.io server has automatic gzip (-6?) compression enabled
already so what's transfered currently is 2.6MB. Download time seems to be
~1.5s so the server probably cached the compressed content, so all that is
not a bottleneck.

Then, probably what takes the most time here is the web browser JS parsing.
Probably browsers will improve this, with the advent of asm.js and alike.

Maybe if doing emscripten compilation with ASM_JS as target configuration
and running on Firefox nightly that includes asm.js now, the
parse/initialization time would go down alot already.

>  Use a fast JIT based browser if possible (Firefox or Chrome have been
> tested).
> Marc
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