[gambit-list] Proposed patches: expt, install-gnu-gcc-osx, expt.scm

Bradley Lucier lucier at math.purdue.edu
Sun Dec 29 15:19:07 EST 2013


Here are some proposed patches:

misc/install-gnu-gcc-osx: Update gcc to 4.8.2 (4.8.1 has a bug where it 
won't recognize my Core i7 4770 properly).  Send error messages to 
build.log.  Allow parallelism of 8.

lib/_num.scm: Get (expt x y) correct when x is complex, y is an (odd) 
multiple of 1/2, and the answer is exact.  Use ##sqrt for (expt x 1/2) 
for complex x.

tests/unit-tests/03-number/expt.scm: Add tests for the new 
functionality, and for a bit of the old functionality.

I just used misc/install-gnu-gcc-osx on my Ubuntu 13.10 box,  and it 
works fine; perhaps it should be renamed to simply misc/install-gnu-gcc.

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