[gambit-list] Promises & lazy thunks

Mikael mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 14:28:25 EDT 2013

You can make a code rewriting layer that brings this behavior.

For another example of a code rewriting layer, see FrTime.

Generally somehow doing this through/atop a module system is the most
conveient thing.

2013/4/29 Jason Felice <jason.m.felice at gmail.com>

> Promises as specified in the Scheme spec are not terribly useful... but I
> was thinking that I could make a much cleaner implementation of lazy
> sequences and other things given a Scheme runtime which automatically
> forced promises when the promise is operated on as a value.
> I was wondering if anyone's thought about doing this.  Also, if it's
> really as hard as making every primitive (except, course, promise?,
> promise-forced? and friends) check and force every parameter, or if there
> are any neat implementation tricks, especially if there's something which
> can be used in gambit (like error-handler, but that seems gross.  Also,
> incomplete and messy).
> -Jason
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