[gambit-list] hello

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Mon Oct 22 23:21:35 EDT 2012

Your projects sound neat!

For question #1, the assembler is built-in to the Gambit compiler (gsc).  A sample use can be found in this message to the Gambit list : https://mercure.iro.umontreal.ca/pipermail/gambit-list/2012-January/005593.html .

For question #2, just about any C compiler will do, but I recomment mingw which has the advantage of being free and it is the compiler which generates the fastest code.  See http://www.mingw.org .

For question #3, there is a binding for Cairo on the dumping grounds.  See http://dynamo.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/wiki/index.php/Dumping_Grounds .


Le 2012-10-22 à 9:31 PM, Hugh Aguilar <hughaguilar96 at yahoo.com> a écrit :

> I'm getting started in Gambit Scheme. I'm working with Windows right now, although I may upgrade to Linux later on. 
> My goals are these:
> 1.) Use Gambit as an overgrown macro-assembler for compiler-writing.
> 2.) Use Gambit as an embedded scripting language inside of C programs. I'm also learning Lua, which is similar, but Gambit is a lot more powerful. This is will be for a CAM program that generates gcode for CNC machines.
> Right now, as a learning exercise, I'm writing a toy program. This is something I wrote in SuperForth for the Commodore-64 when I was 18. It is turtle graphics in 4 dimensions (axis W, X, Y and Z). A image of the 3D aspect of the 4D object is shown, with the lines receding towards a vanishing point. The perspective can be rotated around any of the 4 axis. My intention is to make the REPL available to the user similar to Logo.
> I have a few questions:
> 1.) Where can I get the 64-bit x86 assembler that Mark Feeley mentioned to me?
> 2.) What C compiler can be used to compile Gambit? I don't want to spend any money right now, although I may later buy Visual C/C++.
> 3.) Do you have a wrapper for Cairo or anything else similar? I just need to draw straight lines --- I don't need bezier curves and all of that fancy stuff. This is for the game right now, although later on I will need something like this for the CNC.
> Thanks for your help --- Hugh
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