[gambit-list] TCP socket never read from/written to using Gambit API:s is completely untouched by Gambit so one can do reads&writes directly with OS on them uninterferedly, right?

Mikael mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 15:50:53 EST 2012

Dear Marc,

If I open a TCP port by either |open-tcp-client|, or by (read
(open-tcp-server .. )), and then I just let the object remain referenced to
as not to GC and do not perform any Gambit IO operations on them whatsoever
except for |port-wait-for-input|, |port-wait-for-output| and |force-output|,
then I can do any IO operations on the socket that I want to (i.e. reading
and writing) directly with the OS and Gambit will *not* interfere with
those by by reading in prebuffering purposes or alike?

(I do the direct socket access by extracting the TCP port's
socket integer from the port object.)


(define (port-wait-for-input port)
   (device-port-rdevice-condvar port)
   (port-rtimeout port)))

(define (port-wait-for-output port)
   (device-port-wdevice-condvar port)
   (port-wtimeout port)))
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