[gambit-list] ___setup memory corruption(?) on iPhone

Kirill Zorin k.zorin at me.com
Sun Jun 10 23:23:48 EDT 2012

I did more testing, and looks like things are fine when using GDB instead of LLDB(= the default in latest Xcode). Maybe this should be added to a wiki page somewhere?

On 2012-06-08, at 3:48 PM, mikel evins wrote:

> On Jun 8, 2012, at 11:21 AM, Kirill Zorin wrote:
>> Is it possible that something that Gambit does to the process' state interferes with Apple's iOS debugger, and/or is there some assumption made by ___setup() about initial process state that's invalidated by something the Xcode debugger does? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here altogether?
> Hrm. It's not in any way conclusive, and I may be reinfocing a mistaken hypothesis, but I do recall seeing several debugger-related warnings in the console log when I was reading through them.

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