[gambit-list] Files being treated as directories?

Per Eckerdal per.eckerdal at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 17:14:56 EDT 2011

I have spent some time debugging an issue in a (vanilla ObjC) iOS app, where I got that same error message ("Not a directory").

A hint that might reduce debugging pain: fopen will fail with ENOTDIR when "a component of the path prefix is not a directory." You would, for instance, get the ENOTDIR error if you would try to open /dev/null/a 
Per Eckerdal

On Wednesday, 15 June 2011 at 18:02, Adam King wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Adam King <akingcoder at gmail.com (mailto:akingcoder at gmail.com)> wrote:
> >  I went ahead and just recompiled the lib with '--enable-debug' first (which I'll keep enabled till end of beta)
> I've decided to remove '--enable-debug' for regular testing due to the massive decrease in rendering performance (but will re-enable whenever I see a possible issue). I also get hundreds of errors on startup with it enabled - whenever gambit needs to do a ##include or 'load' - though everything still works fine. It seems to be treating files as a directory somewhere and then recovering. Here's a sample: 
> *** OS ERROR AT "os_files.c"@862.1 -- errno=20 (Not a directory)
> path="/private/var/mobile/Applications/67AF0861-1AB4-43CD-8821-BFEEF287DEBA/gateway.app/src/msg.scm" fl=4
> fd=6 kind=31 direction=1
> file char_encoding_errors=32  char_encoding=2  eol_encoding=128  buffering=1536
> *** OS ERROR AT "os_files.c"@862.1 -- errno=20 (Not a directory)
> path="/private/var/mobile/Applications/67AF0861-1AB4-43CD-8821-BFEEF287DEBA/gateway.app/src/void/gambit#.scm" fl=4
> fd=6 kind=31 direction=1
> file char_encoding_errors=32  char_encoding=2  eol_encoding=128  buffering=1536
> *** OS ERROR AT "os_files.c"@862.1 -- errno=20 (Not a directory)
> path="/private/var/mobile/Applications/67AF0861-1AB4-43CD-8821-BFEEF287DEBA/gateway.app/src/void/r5rs#.scm" fl=4
> fd=6 kind=31 direction=1
> file char_encoding_errors=32  char_encoding=2  eol_encoding=128  buffering=1536
> *** OS ERROR AT "os_files.c"@862.1 -- errno=20 (Not a directory)
> path="/private/var/mobile/Applications/67AF0861-1AB4-43CD-8821-BFEEF287DEBA/gateway.app/src/void/r4rs#.scm" fl=4
> fd=6 kind=31 direction=1
> file char_encoding_errors=32  char_encoding=2  eol_encoding=128  buffering=1536
> *** OS ERROR AT "os_files.c"@862.1 -- errno=20 (Not a directory)
> path="/private/var/mobile/Applications/67AF0861-1AB4-43CD-8821-BFEEF287DEBA/gateway.app/src/void/uuid#.scm" fl=4
> fd=6 kind=31 direction=1
> file char_encoding_errors=32  char_encoding=2  eol_encoding=128  buffering=1536
> *** OS ERROR AT "os_files.c"@862.1 -- errno=20 (Not a directory)
> path="/private/var/mobile/Applications/67AF0861-1AB4-43CD-8821-BFEEF287DEBA/gateway.app/src/msg#.scm" fl=4
> fd=6 kind=31 direction=1
> file char_encoding_errors=32  char_encoding=2  eol_encoding=128  buffering=1536
> Is that normal? Thanks,
>  Adam 
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