[gambit-list] Deadlock when using net/http-client

Tim Lavoie tim at fractaldragon.net
Tue Nov 30 11:59:23 EST 2010


I'll start off with a caveat: I'm new to Gambit and add-ons such as
Black Hole, but have been exploring and having a good time so far.

One of the modules I would like to make use of is net/http-client, so
that I can use Gambit-C to fetch data from CouchDB. I believe I have
everything installed OK, but I receive immediate deadlock errors when
attempting to make a request. (Any request, URL doesn't matter.)

I have appended the request, error and stack dump below; please let me
know if I'm doing something wrong, or have stumbled onto a bug.


> (http-get-url "http://localhost:5000/")
*** ERROR IN ##thread-deadlock-action! -- Deadlock detected
1> ,bed
0  ##thread-deadlock-action! 
        (current-exception-handler) = primordial-exception-handler
        (current-input-port) = '#<input-port #9 (stdin)>
        (current-output-port) = '#<output-port #10 (stdout)>
        (current-directory) = "/home/tim/prog/scheme/"
1  ##mutex-lock-out-of-line! 
        (current-exception-handler) = primordial-exception-handler
        (current-input-port) = '#<input-port #9 (stdin)>
        (current-output-port) = '#<output-port #10 (stdout)>
        (current-directory) = "/home/tim/prog/scheme/"
2  call-with-output-u8vector 
        (current-exception-handler) = primordial-exception-handler
        (current-input-port) = '#<input-port #9 (stdin)>
        (current-output-port) = '#<output-port #10 (stdout)>
        (current-directory) = "/home/tim/prog/scheme/"
3  http-client#http-access-url "../../dl/Scheme/Gambit/Blackhole/blackhole/std/net/http-client.scm"@1005:1 
        12#headers = '()
        11#response-headers = #f
        10#response-code = #f
        9#mtx = '#<mutex #12>
        8#up = '#<output-port #13 (u8vector)>
        1#method = 'get
        2#uri = "http://localhost:5000/"
        3#http-username = #f
        4#http-password = #f
        5#headers = '()
        6#follow = #t
        7#query = #f
        (current-exception-handler) = primordial-exception-handler
        (current-input-port) = '#<input-port #9 (stdin)>
        (current-output-port) = '#<output-port #10 (stdout)>
        (current-directory) = "/home/tim/prog/scheme/"
4  (interaction)           "(generated)"@1:1       (http-client#http-get-url...
        (current-exception-handler) = primordial-exception-handler
        (current-input-port) = '#<input-port #9 (stdin)>
        (current-output-port) = '#<output-port #10 (stdout)>
        (current-directory) = "/home/tim/prog/scheme/"

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