[gambit-list] Bad version 3.0

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Wed May 20 18:40:57 EDT 2009

On 20-May-09, at 6:25 PM, Frank Gizinski wrote:

> To Whom it may concern,
> I mentioned this in an earlier message but I got no answer.  I was  
> trying to avoid having my downloads of the newest Versions of Gambit- 
> C held up by Microsoft's security so I downloaded Version 3.0 which  
> worked on my old Macintosh.
> I downloaded the Microsoft Virtual C++ version from your site and  
> when I got it I started using it.  In the first line I typed an  
> opening and closing parenthesis.  Instead of those I got an opening  
> and closing angle bracket *<* and *>* . Unless Scheme has recently  
> changed from using parenthesis to angle brackets something seems  
> wrong.
> Couldn't someone at Montreal check to see what has happened at their  
> site?  I doubt that I've got a virus that only effects Gambit-C.  I  
> downloaded DrScheme and that works all right.
> I only checked the parenthesis and the angle brackets, I don't know  
> what else could be wrong with Version 3.0 on your site.
> Frank Gizinski

I will try to reproduce this on a Windows PC tonight.  Please give  
more information:

1) Which version of Windows?  Is it XP or Vista?  Which service pack?

2) Which keyboard setting (english/US, or ...)?

3) Are you executing it from a Windows console, Cygwin console, or  
MSYS console?

4) Can you send me a transcript (cut&pasted) or a screenshot of your  


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