[gambit-list] backtrace fun

lowly coder lowlycoder at huoyanjinjing.com
Sun Jun 21 03:10:25 EDT 2009

~/test$ gsi test.scm -e "(a)"
*** ERROR IN a, "test.scm"@1.23 -- Unbound variable: b
~/test$ gsi test.scm -e "(run)"
#("/home/x/test/test.scm" 1441792)
#("/home/x/test/test.scm" 1048576)
#("/home/x/test/test.scm" 786432)
#((string) 0)
~/test$ cat test.scm
(define (a) (pp (+ 20 b)))

(define (run)
  (let ((old-handler (current-exception-handler)))
      (lambda (e)
      (lambda ()

         (lambda (old-cont)
         ;((cur-frame cont (##continuation-next-frame cur-frame #t)))
         ((cont old-cont (##continuation-next-frame cont #t)))
         ((not cont))
         (pp (##continuation-locat cont)))

           (##continuation-return old-cont 5)))

      (lambda ()

Why is it ... that when I print out the continuations by frame, I can't get
the data that I want (which ##cmd-b apparently does get, which is: test.scm,
line 1, character 23).

This baffles me.

(I'm trying to write a gambit debugger in gambit, teehee)

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