[gambit-list] Gambit in Emacs: REPL interaction

Oisín denpashogai at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 07:34:19 EDT 2009

2009/8/15 FFT <fft1976 at gmail.com>:
> I'll try to phrase the question simpler:
> When you C-x C-e, where do you see the answer? Is it possible to
> redirect it to the minibuffer instead?

Not sure I understand what you want, but if I get Gambit running (M-x
run-scheme) and hit C-x C-e after an expression in a Scheme file
buffer, the expression shows up and is executed in the "Inferior
Scheme:run" window (the REPL), the same as if I had copy/pasted the
expression into it and hit return.

Doing it with C-x C-e is handy since you don't lose focus from the
Scheme file you're editing, and if you have split windows you can
watch what happens immediately.

The only slight problems I have, which is probably because I don't
know much about Emacs, is that even with one running REPL onscreen,
when an error occurs a second one sometimes pops up (only the first
time, it seems...). Then I have one .scm file and two duplicate REPL
windows, which is a bit... odd.
Also, as mentioned in another thread, hitting C-d to jump to the
enclosing REPL on my Windows box now causes Gambit to go into an
infinite loop so I have to use the ",d" command.


> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 3:27 PM, FFT<fft1976 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I tried to use Emacs as suggested in the manual, and I also tried the
>> Quack mode. Either I'm not using them right, or they just don't
>> provide the functionality I need. I'm not looking for something as
>> advanced as SLIME necessarily (which AFAIK only works with Scheme48),
>> but at least something like what you get with ELISP:
>> When you are editing a file, and eval an expression to the REPL, you
>> get an answer in the minibuffer (which should temporarily expand if
>> necessary) Also, if there is an error, you get a kind of pop-up window
>> that's easy to dismiss and get to the top level of the REPL. I don't
>> get these with Quack or Gambit mode.
>> How do you make this work with Emacs? Commercial IDEs ruined this for me.
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