[gambit-list] The web-repl, REPL output channels, and debugging

Derek Peschel dpeschel at eskimo.com
Sun Mar 30 17:51:59 EDT 2008

A message from November 2006 explains the issue of REPL channels,
which are assigned to threads when they try to do input or output.
I have

(repl-result-history-max-length-set! 10)

in my .gambcini file, and according to my tests that is enough to
assign a REPL channel to the primordial thread, which means the
primordial-thread version of the startup code in web-repl.scm won't
work (I/O goes to the UNIX terminal that started gsi).  Is there any
way to do the same customization without assigning the channel?

The threaded version of the startup code has a different problem.
I run the server and the client, and the first-level REPL appears in
the client window.  If I send input that causes an error, the second-
level REPL doesn't appear in the client window or at the server's
terminal.  Interestingly, I can use ^C at the server's terminal to
interrupt the client, and each time some thread-switching logic assigns
a new thread (but not the second-level REPL I want) to the client.

-- Derek

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