[gambit-list] As far as the renaming scheme goes, ...

Arthur Smyles atsmyles at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 17 23:43:02 EDT 2008

I have some experience using both those libraries.

Ghuloum's library is written in R6 scheme. It works fine out of the box, 
but I had some difficulty in modifying it to export some of Gambit's 

As for Andre's, his will not work out of the box with Gambit. I worked 
with him on creating a compat-gambit.scm so that it will work with 
Gambit. I've put it all up as a tarball at 
http://smyles.com/gambit-r6rs.tgz if you want to give it a go. I have a 
bit of documentation on how it works if you search for "R6RS" on 
Gambit's wiki. I think you'll find Andre's design very interesting for 
your project since it's written in R5 and is built out of a simpler 
core. His website has more details and you should check out his comments 
on comp.lang.scheme.

As far as the state of R6 on Gambit, it works great but the system is 
still rough. I've not only exposed Gambit's extensions as libraries, but 
I'm also able to create my own libraries, including libraries that use 
Gambit's ffi. There still plenty to do so if any of you are interested 
in hacking on it let me know. I plan on making an update to the tarball 
in a couple of days.

Ken Dickey wrote:
> You probably know of the two major syntax system implementations for R6RS, 
> both of which deal with renaming, but just in case...
> http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~aghuloum/r6rs-libraries/index.html
> http://www.het.brown.edu/people/andre/macros/
> Cheers,
> -KenD
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