[gambit-list] Namespaces

Joel J. Adamson jadamson at partners.org
Tue Feb 12 13:24:54 EST 2008

Christian Jaeger <christian at pflanze.mine.nu> writes:

> Joel J. Adamson wrote:
>> Now my concern is that if I'm building an application (my
>> ultimate goal) am I going to have to re-work everything once a module
>> system gets implemented.
> As long as you are just importing and exporting identifyers across
> module boundaries, you're just using a namespaces system of some sort.

Right right, that makes sense.

> Thus the switch to Snow! should (aside from changing to portable
> libraries) just be one of using a different import/export declaration;
> someone might even write a converter between ##namespace and Snow!
> (and chjmodule) modules.

Just to clarify, you're suggesting I use the Snow system _as a module
system_?  That I write my libraries as Snow packages, etc?


Joel J. Adamson
Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA  02114
(617) 643-1432
(303) 880-3109

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