[gambit-list] open-input-file, read and fifos

Christian Jaeger christian at pflanze.mine.nu
Sat Feb 2 08:04:33 EST 2008

Adrien Pierard wrote:
>> Can you give me a specific situation where you need this?  The  
>> standard error is seldom used by Gambit's runtime.  So all you will be  
>> redirecting is your own output which is sent to (current-error-port).
> Must be my fault, but I use PP a lot, and as you told me once, it
> doesn't print on STDOUT (rather on the TTY if I remember correctly, but
> when I wrote this earlier today, I thought it was STDERR).

Yes pp does print to the "interaction channel" by default (as written in 
the docs and verified by the following piece of code):

;; file "stderr-and-tty.scm"

(for-each pp (list ##console-port (current-output-port) (current-error-port)))

(display "start..\n" ##console-port)

(parameterize ()  ;;((current-error-port (current-output-port)))
	      (set! ##console-port (current-error-port))
	      (display "Hallo")
	      ;;(pretty-print "pretty-print")
	      (pp "pp-with-explicit-port" (current-error-port))
	      (pp "pp")

; $ gsi stderr-and-tty.scm  > out 2>err
; #<input-output-port #2 (console)>
; #<output-port #3 (stdout)>
; #<output-port #4 (stderr)>
; start..
; "pp"
; $ cat out
; Hallo
; $ cat err
; "pp-with-explicit-port"

As you can see, (set! ##console-port (current-error-port)) didn't have 
the effect I intended. I can't see a way to change the current 
console-port (*).

> The point of this question, as well as the previous ones, is that I hack
> vim a bit to let it run interpreters through a proxy, which then
> remotely prints its results in windows.
> When I feed it with
> (begin
>   (display 42)
>   (newline)
>   'hello)
> I have 42 in the STDOUT window, and the symbol hello in the RESULT
> window. Helps developping/debugging interpreted languages in vim.
> I then hope that implementors of other interpreted languages (perl,
> caml) or users will patch their implementations to allow for some
> with-output-to-file wrapper around the eval function, so that this
> method to interact with an editor can become generic. 

In perl there's no builtin concept of a console port; only through 
modules which reopen the tty explicitely it gets to the console. The 
core uses STDERR for warnings. So this is the same as (parameterize 
((current-error-port (current-output-port)) ...):

$ perl -we '{ local *STDERR= *STDOUT{IO}; print "Hello\n"; warn "World" } warn "after all"' >out 2>err
$ cat out
World at -e line 1.
$ cat err
after all at -e line 1.

(That doesn't take care of C libraries etc. printing to filehandle 2 
instead of going through the perl layer to use the STDERR 'variable'. 
You'd have to close fd 2 and dup 1 to 2 for this, but the same is true 
(and basically unportable since tied to posix systems) for any other 
system of course.)

> It could also help
> run interpreters as daemons...

I did write some daemon code some time ago, could dig out code if 
needed, basically I could get what I wanted; having forgotten how I did 
it may be a sign that it's not very clear. BTW there's gsi -:d- ; this 
does what you want, while interestingly ##console-port is still being 
created and goes to the console, so Gambit *does* have some layer 
between ##console-port and pp actually, it's just not documented.


(*) Well, if you don't mind getting dirty, you could try:

(define (@port-copy! target source)
  (let ((len (##vector-length target)))
    (if (= len (##vector-length source))
	  (force-output target)
	  (force-output source)
	  (let lp ((i 0))
	    (cond ((< i len)
		   (##vector-set! target i (##vector-ref source i))
		   (lp (+ i 1))))))
	(error "you're wrong"))))

(parameterize ()  ;;((current-error-port (current-output-port)))
	      (@port-copy! ##console-port (current-error-port))
	      (display "Hallo")
	      ;;(pretty-print "pretty-print")
	      (pp "pp-with-explicit-port" (current-error-port))
	      (pp "pp")

; $ gsi stderr-and-tty.scm  > out 2>err
; $ cat out
; Hallo
; $ cat err
; "pp"
; ith-explicit-port"
; "pp"

Fine, nothing on the console anymore. Uhm, well, somehow I happened to 
void the warranty after all ;) (the '"pp-w' part is missing).

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