[gambit-list] Quasiquote syntax question.

Alex Shinn alexshinn at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 21:00:07 EST 2008

>>>>> "Blake" == Blake Winton <bwinton at latte.ca> writes:

    Blake> Hello everyone, I'm using Gambit on an iPod Touch, and have
    Blake> run into a small hitch when trying to write a macro.  The
    Blake> hitch is that I have no way of typing in a ` on the device.
    Blake> It's just not on the keyboard.

That's funny... ` is the only printable ASCII character it
lacks.  It has the pound, euro and yen signs, and several
international keyboards, and no possible way to input `.

But, how can you possibly code on that thing anyway?  Apart from
the pain of the horrid keyboard, there's the fact that you have
no editor support.  I would just ssh in from a real terminal, or


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