[gambit-list] (c-define-type array-int "std::vector<int>")

Stephane Le Cornec coleste at videotron.ca
Fri May 5 20:55:38 EDT 2006

At 23:54 +0200 2006/05/05, Marc Feeley wrote:
>On 5-May-06, at 11:40 PM, Stephane Le Cornec wrote:
>>Gambit does not tolerate :: or <> in this form. Is there any reason 
>>why this wouldn't work, other than Gambit accepting the string?
>No reason other than my lazyness.  C++ names are a pain to parse. 
>As a workaround use:
>(c-declare "#define std_vector_int std::vector<int>")
>(c-define-type array-int "std_vector_int")

Ok. Although typedef is better here.
(c-declare "typedef std_vector_int std::vector<int>")

>>I could typedef std::vector<int> into std_vector_int for that, but 
>>I lose genericity. The goal here is to use macro to generate 
>>interface to native C struct and handle arrays of structs. I seems 
>>much nicer to use lambda than to define
>>the 8 conversion defines.
>>Has anyone used in Gambit native C calls that accept/fill struct arrays?
>>How did you decide to handle this and why did you come to that conclusion?
>I'm not sure what you mean.

== generic C interface
Assuming Point is a C struct, we use a notation similar to records to 
define accessors:

(c-define-structure Point
   (x int) (y int))

; expands to:

(c-define-type Point (struct "Point"))
(c-define-type Point* (pointer Point))
(define make-Point (c-lambda (int int) Point* "___result = new 
Point(___arg1, ___arg2);"))
(define Point-x (c-lambda (Point*) int "___result = ___arg1->x;"))
(define Point-x-set! (c-lambda (Point* int) void "___arg1->x = ___arg2;"))
(define Point-y (c-lambda (Point*) int "___result = ___arg1->y;"))
(define Point-y-set! (c-lambda (Point* int) void "___arg1->y = ___arg2;"))

Note that the underlying C struct definition takes care of alignment issues.
(I think make-Point will leak memory, but I don't understand 
release-functions yet. The whole C-interface concept is difficult to 

=== Array
In a certain way, this is a generalisation of the Homogeneous vectors 
to any struct.

(c-declare #<<c-declare-end

void f()
	Point	z[8];
	getpoints(z, 8);

	moveto(z[0].x, z[0].y);
	lineto(z[1].x, z[1].y);


; compare to:

(c-define-array Point-array Point)
(c-define-array Point-array8 Point 8)
(define (f)
   (let ((array (make-Point-array 8)))
     (getpoints array 8)
     (let ((p0 (Point-array-ref array 0))
           (p1 (Point-array-ref array 1)))
       (moveto (Point-x p0) (Point-y p0))
       (lineto (Point-x p1) (Point-y p1)))))

The 2nd implementation is much nicer. Not to mention that I'd hate to 
write the 8 macros to convert the array of Point to a list of pair (x 
y) and vice-versa.
coleste at videotron.ca (Stephane Le Cornec)
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