[gambit-list] Does , l do anything different than , s in the debugger?

Bill Richter richter at math.northwestern.edu
Thu Mar 24 20:14:28 EST 2005

   I tried a straightforward definition of (fact n) and tried to leap
   through the subcall (fact (- n 1)) and it didn't work; in fact, ,l
   seemed to do the same thing as ,s in all cases.  Looks like a bug.

Brad, I posted this bug report on Feb 7, at least I meant to:

 > And a debugger question: I'm not much of a C programmer, but I've
 > done a lot of `gdb emacs', and I'm used to being able to skip over
 > function calls.  I got some real use out of the Gambit debugger
 > (which is far better than any Scheme debugger I've ever seen), but
 > I didn't see how do this.  I tried leap, and step-level-set!.

See, the Gambit node "Debugging commands" explains that ,l = leap.  So
maybe I wasn't clear, and maybe I buried it at the bottom of a bug
report.  Here's something else that I might have buried:

If I run a long bg job with a `time' command, it will not exit (or
detach, as a local wizard said) unless I type at the Linux prompt

export GAMBCOPT=d-

prior to my gsc/gcc/a.out commands, as Marc explained. But I can't
actually get the `time' info!  So here's a non-bg bug report:

  % cat six.scm
(time (pretty-print 6))
  % export GAMBCOPT=d-
  % gsc six
  % gcc -O2 -L. -I. six.c six_.c -lgambc
  % ./a.out > sixput 
  % more sixput 

There's no output.  The file sixput should have the time info, as well
as the output 6, and I got neither.

BTW the Gambit "Runtime options" explains that d- ought to work:

   The `d' option sets various debugging options.  The letter `d' is
followed by a sequence of letters indicating suboptions. [...]

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