[gambit-list] Linking to C++ problems

Dan Hristodorescu dhristodorescu at borderfree.com
Tue Feb 22 09:59:41 EST 2005

Hi Marc,

The problem I had in my test program was because I was compiling the DLL
with -D___DYNAMIC. Without this flag the test program was fine.
The real program I use still crashes and I have to figure out why. It works
fine without the actual call to the scheme method; Gambit initialization
doesn't cause any problems.
I assume it's about some linking settings but I have to investigate more.

I see your point about using the C++ compiler. I was using Gambit compiled
by the default configure script which probably uses the C compiler and
that's why I was mixing C with C++. Thanks for clearing that out for me.
I'll recompile the runtime and try again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Feeley [mailto:feeley at IRO.UMontreal.CA] 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 5:55 PM
To: dhristodorescu at borderfree.com
Cc: gambit-list at IRO.UMontreal.CA
Subject: Re: [gambit-list] Linking to C++ problems

> Sorry to replay to my own message but I figure out what was the =
> problem.
> It was just the mangling of DLL exported symbols (I was referring a =
> wrong
> name); it works fine now.


> The only relevant part of the message that remains is the one about the
> extern "C" generation.

I don't understand your point here.  You should either compile
the whole Gambit runtime system and your program with a C
compiler, or with a C++ compiler, and then the names will be
mangled appropriately.  Are you mixing C and C++ code?  (this is
a bad idea in general because of the way exceptions are handled....)

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