[gambit-list] Re: Adding POLLs to C code

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Sat Dec 31 00:47:38 EST 2005

On 28-Dec-05, at 1:50 PM, Bradley Lucier wrote:

> Marc:
> Is there any way to add POLLs to C code?  There's a C library I'd  
> like to link to a program, but one C routine could possibly take  
> seconds or minutes to run, and Gambit disables interrupts except  
> through POLLs.

I see two solutions.

1) if you can modify your C library, add the test "___ps->intr_flag 
[___INTR_USER] != 0" at appropriate places in the C library to detect  
when a CTRL-C interrupt is pending, and abort that computation,

2) execute your C library in a separate C thread, and synchronize  
with that thread.


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