[gambit-list] define-type and "type-id" access
Marc Feeley
feeley at IRO.UMontreal.CA
Tue Dec 7 22:56:28 EST 2004
> Is there a way to get the type-id of a type, though, and register types
> in the hashtable as opposed to objects? Do I have to actually create an
> instance of each object to get their type-ids?
You need to specify a type-exhibitor in the type definition. In the
following example the type definition will create a function called
"person-type" that returns the type-descriptor of the person type.
> (define-type person
id: 4b587cfe-f6fc-41cf-953b-f5743fb219ce
type-exhibitor: person-type
> (define p (make-person "foo" 2004))
> (##structure-type p)
#<type #2 person>
> (person-type)
#<type #2 person>
If you want to see what a define-type expands into, just use
"pp" like this:
> (pp (lambda () (define-type point x y) 999))
(lambda ()
(letrec ((##type-2-point
(##make-uninterned-symbol "##type-2-point")
'#(x 0 #f y 0 #f)
'#(1 2)))
(make-point (lambda (p1 p2) (##structure ##type-2-point p1 p2)))
(point? (lambda (obj)
(##type-id ##type-2-point))))
(point-x (lambda (obj)
(##structure-ref obj 1 ##type-2-point point-x)))
(lambda (obj val)
(##structure-set! obj val 1 ##type-2-point point-x-set!)))
(point-y (lambda (obj)
(##structure-ref obj 2 ##type-2-point point-y)))
(lambda (obj val)
(##structure-set! obj val 2 ##type-2-point point-y-set!))))
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