[gambit-list] define-type and "type-id" access

Joel Reymont joelr at well.com
Tue Dec 7 18:18:18 EST 2004

Thank you Marc!

>(define (id obj) (##type-id (##structure-type obj)))
>(id (make-person 1 2)) =>  ##type-2-83C73CCE-46D5-11D9-9982-00039301BA52
>(##symbol-hash (id (make-person 1 2))) =>  189034871
>With these functions you can implement a hash-table that is accessed
>using a structure's type.

Is there a way to get the type-id of a type, though, and register types
in the hashtable as opposed to objects? Do I have to actually create an
instance of each object to get their type-ids?

Still, this is a big leg up as I was just wondering yesterday whether
Gambit had any hash table functions. Would I implement one based on an
associative list?

    Thanks, Joel

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