[Snow-users-list] include-program* usage

andrew cooke andrew at acooke.org
Thu Aug 16 12:02:26 EDT 2007

excellent - thanks!

> On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 11:31:59AM -0400, andrew cooke wrote:
>> > Also, how does Snow handling naming conflicts?
>> can't answer your other questions, but as far as i can see there's no
>> namepsace support for snow modules.  code seems to use "hopefully
>> unique"
>> prefixes (myproject-function-name ...).  i was surprised by this - seems
>> to be the biggest omission given the other things snow fixes - so
>> perhaps
>> i am wrong...
> Snow uses a different namespace for each package in gambit and chicken:
>> (load-program* pi/v1)
>> (pp (lambda () (pi-digits 4)))
> (lambda () (pi/v1#pi-digits 4))
> Etienne Laurin

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