[Lisa_seminaires] [Tea Talk] Rosemary Ke (MILA) Nov 10 10:30AM AA6214

Michael Noukhovitch mnoukhov at gmail.com
Mar 7 Nov 12:43:50 EST 2017

This week we have our very own *Rosemary Ke* giving a talk on *Friday Nov
10* at* 10:30AM* in room *AA6214*.

See you there!

*KEYWORDS* RNN, BPTT, Attention Mechanism

*TITLE *Sparse Attentive Backtracking: Long-Range Credit Assignment in
Recurrent Networks

A major drawback of backpropagation through time (BPTT) is the difficulty
of learning long-term dependencies, coming from having to propagate credit
information backwards through every single step of the forward computation.
This makes BPTT both computationally impractical and biologically
implausible. For this reason, full backpropagation through time is rarely
used on long sequences, and truncated backpropagation through time is used
as a heuristic.  However, this usually leads to biased estimates of the
gradient in which longer term dependencies are ignored.  Addressing this
issue, we propose an alternative algorithm, Sparse Attentive Backtracking,
which might also be related to principles used by brains to learn long-term
dependencies. Sparse Attentive Backtracking learns an attention mechanism
over the hidden states of the past and selectively backpropagates through
paths with high attention weights.  This allows the model to learn long
term dependencies while only backtracking for a small number of time steps,
not just from the recent past but also from attended relevant past
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