[Lisa_seminaires] Reminder: Talk by Geordie Rose, today, 3 PM, room 3195

Yoshua Bengio yoshua.bengio at gmail.com
Jeu 24 Jan 17:16:56 EST 2013

Il semble que quelqu'un ait oublié un cahier de notes au 3195, et peut-être une autre personne sa tuque bleue,
que j'ai retrouvés à la fin de ce talk.

-- Yoshua

On 2013-01-24, at 13:46, Ian Goodfellow wrote:

> Title: Solving binary optimization problems using a quantum computer
> Abstract: D-Wave builds processors designed to solve discrete
> optimization problems. These processors are built using
> superconducting metals and operated at ultralow temperatures. The
> processors implement a novel algorithm called quantum annealing that
> draws samples from a probability distribution defined over an Ising
> model. Here we introduce the technology and show performance results.
> We then connect the problem the hardware natively solves to potential
> uses in machine learning and specifically to L0-norm sparse coding.
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