[gambit-list] newbie: bitwise and arithmetic runtime speed for u64

Bradley Lucier lucier at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 1 13:15:01 EDT 2020

On 3/31/20 3:50 PM, Paolo Montrasi wrote:
> I am asking here for an advice in improving runtime speed crunching 
> bitwise operations on u64 integers since I have no experience using 
> scheme and Gambit.
> Looking at the documentation I see that fixnum is providing some help 
> but I apparently u64 integers are not "compatible" with fixnum operations
>  > (fixnum? 18446744073709551615)
> #f
> Can you share suggestions for my next exercise
That may be possible using some of Gambit's low-level, internal, unsafe, 
very-bad-indeed routines for manipulating bignum "adigits" (for 
"addition digits", although they're the size used for many other 
things), which are 64 bits, unsigned, on 64-bit machines.  (They're only 
14 bits wide in the universal backend, though.)

You'll find these routines in _num.scm:

;;; Sets x[i] to x[i] & y[j] (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-and! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to ~x[i] & y[j] (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-andc1! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to x[i] & ~y[j] (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-andc2! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to ~(x[i] ^ y[j]) (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-eqv! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to x[i] | y[j] (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-ior! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to ~(x[i] & y[j]) (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-nand! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to ~(x[i] | y[j]) (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-nor! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to !x[i] (accessing x as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-not! x i))

;;; Sets x[i] to ~x[i] | y[j] (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-orc1! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to x[i] | ~y[j] (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-orc2! x i y j))

;;; Sets x[i] to x[i] ^ y[j] (accessing x and y as adigits)
(define-prim (##bignum.adigit-bitwise-xor! x i y j))

There's also

(define-prim (##bignum.make k x complement?)

which makes a new bignum with k adigits, copying x if it's given, and 
complementing things if the last argument is #t.  It may be easier to 
just call

(define-prim (##bignum.copy x)
   (##bignum.make (##bignum.adigit-length x) x #f))

Using one of

(define ##bignum.adigit-ones (##fixnum->bignum -1))           ;; the 0th 
adigit is all ones
(define ##bignum.adigit-zeros (##fixnum->bignum 0))           ;; the 0th 
adigit is all zeros

as a starter.

Now, ##bignum.adigit-ones and ##bignum.adigit-zeros are unnormalized 
bignums, as could be many other results one can get by using these 
routines that manipulate adigits, so I wouldn't try to print them using 
the usual library routines, but this could get you started.


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