[gambit-list] Gambit at 30 meeting registration

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Sat Sep 7 07:39:45 EDT 2019

The Gambit at 30 meeting is now scheduled for the weekend of October 12 and 13, at the Université de Montréal (Montreal, Quebec, Canada).  October 12 will have a whole day of activities (with catered lunch) starting at 9 AM, and the meeting will continue on Sunday for as long as participants are interested, probably 9 AM to lunch time, but we will see how things go.  This way people who can only come on Sunday will at least have the opportunity to join the meeting briefly.

The meeting will be semi-structured with some planned presentations by myself, students and participants.  There’s also plenty of room for informal discussions, brainstorming, demos, hacking, etc.  I will have a more detailed schedule available closer to the meeting.

I would like the meeting to have the feel of a workshop, where all participants get to present something.  It could be a formal “conference type” presentation with slides, or something less formal (just talking, demoing, handwaving, and chalkboarding in front of the conference room).  At the very least, a few minutes introducing yourself and what you do (or would like doing) with Gambit.

At this point I want people to register by sending an email to feeley at iro.umontreal.ca .  This will give me your name and email so I can contact you with details as the meeting gets closer (unfortunately the doodle poll doesn’t have email data so I can’t use that).  Please indicate if you plan to give a presentation, the title of the presentation, and the expected duration (up to 60 minutes if you have lots to say).  Also indicate if you can’t come on October 12 or 13.  This will help me organize the schedule.  You can also propose an activity (demo session, brainstorming on a given topic, hacking).

Here are some of the topics that will be covered by students and myself, in addition to presentations by the participants:

- R7RS conformance
- Libraries and code sharing
- Code walkthroughs of the runtime system, memory management, FFI, and compiler
- Native backends (including RISC-V)
- Universal backend
- “Gambit forensics” benchmarking tool
- Geiser support and debugging
- “Gambit on bare metal”

Please respond ASAP and tell your friends… registration is open to anyone interested!


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