[gambit-list] |read-char| without #\newline

Phillip Suero philsuero at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 10:21:56 EDT 2019


I have been trying to get characters on the console without the need to
press enter using the |read-char| function.
The section 17.4.1 of Gambit's manual explains that setting the property
*buffering *of a port should be enough to get chars without #\newline.
But I wasn't able to make it work with |current-input-port| or

(define (getchar)
  (port-settings-set! (current-input-port) (list buffering: #f))
  (let loop ()
    (write-char (read-char (current-input-port)))

I have been told that one option is to change my terminal settings to raw
I have also tried to use *telnet* and I was able to make it work properly
with the
client on *mode character*.

But, as far as I understand, there should be no need of *telnet* or raw
terminal mode.
What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance,
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