[gambit-list] Re-importing modules

Lassi Kortela lassi at lassi.io
Thu Oct 3 11:11:56 EDT 2019

> I was trying to go through the obvious moves of incremental dev
>     (import "a")
>     So far, the correct thing happens: The text "Hello world" is printed out.
>     4. Now, with gsi running, separately in another xterm we alter a.ss
>     5. In the gsi REPL, we run again:
>     (import "a")
> What happens now is a mysterious nothing!
> This shows that Gerbil does not automatically reimport updated dependencies.

For better or worse, many (perhaps most) Scheme implementations behave 
this way. (import ...) is different from (load ...) and does not reload 
already-loaded modules even if you have edited them.

Often one way to solve it is to use `load` after your edits:

     (load "a.ss")
     (import "a")

I don't know whether this is the "right" way to do it.

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