[gambit-list] Need review for an open-source book/library on Computation at Compile Time (using Gambit)

Bill Six billsix at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 21:03:07 EDT 2016

Marc, et al.,

I'm finishing writing an open-source book/library on Computation at Compile
Time, using Gambit.  Before I self-publish it, I would like feedback.

The book is about augmenting the compiler with the code which it is
compiling, thus treating the compiler as an interpreter.  Testing dominates
the compile-time computation, as each procedure in the book is collocated
with tests for that procedure.  Should any test fail, the library does not
get built.

Sound interesting?  The code is at https://github.com/billsix/bug, but I
will send my current PDF on request.

Bill Six
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