[gambit-list] Mobile Reversi

Adam adam.mlmb at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 03:37:14 EDT 2015

2015-10-21 11:45 GMT+08:00 Bradley Lucier <lucier at math.purdue.edu>:

> When explaining this to Maureen, it sounded like the ultimate worm.
> Can you migrate it from a browser to a gambit-c interpreter running on
> some server (not php on Apache)?

JS, PHP and Java all have overheads in respect of running Gambit code, and
their sandboxing is also not optimal. For typical client device use this is

For a server, could a "sandbox VM" be implemented in Scheme or C, i.e. what
people use Lua for?:

I guess the point with it would be to be another "language backend", which
is optimized for one single thing, which is to be giving as good
performance as possible while being as simple as possible to implement.

Or does the GVM code already serve this purpose, and is waiting for someone
to implement a simple "GVM interpreter sandbox" environment?
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