[gambit-list] Truck-Factor by mtov

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Thu Jul 23 10:52:02 EDT 2015

At least it is not 0!

Seriously, let me reiterate that I am open to having people contribute to Gambit.  I think that is the best way to increase the truck-factor.  It is of course a chicken and egg problem, but I feel there are more and more users that are working with and on Gambit, so maybe soon there will be enough momentum to keep the ball rolling on its own.

From my point of view, it is a heavy workload to be simultaneously:

- doing research on programming language implementation (related to Scheme of course)
- implementing research ideas in Gambit so that they are robust and stable
- engineering parts of the runtime system for good performance or to add practical features
- maintaining the Gambit web site, Gambit mailing list and documentation
- making prereleases
- writing unit tests
- advising students working on Gambit
- helping out users having problems using Gambit (porting to new platforms, debugging their code, etc)

Don’t get me wrong… I love that kind of work, but there’s just so much I can do.

So if you or anyone else wants to help on any of those activities, please contact me!  I would love it if the truck-factor was above 1!

Here are some ideas off the top of my head:

- documenting all Gambit features
- writing unit tests for all those features
- maintaining Gambit packages for all linux distributions
- writing tutorials and use cases


> On Jul 22, 2015, at 10:41 PM, Bradley Lucier <lucier at math.purdue.edu> wrote:
> http://mtov.github.io/Truck-Factor/
> I have a feeling gambit would have a Truck-Factor of 0.5 (Marc wouldn’t need to be killed, just injured …)
> Brad

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