[gambit-list] PPDP 2015: 2nd call for papers

FALASCHI MORENO moreno.falaschi at unisi.it
Thu Feb 19 09:32:40 EST 2015


			   Call for papers
		   17th International Symposium on
	  Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
			      PPDP 2015

         Special Issue of Science of Computer Programming (SCP)

		    Siena, Italy, July 14-16, 2015
		    (co-located with LOPSTR 2015)



PPDP  2015  is a  forum  that  brings  together researchers  from  the
declarative  programming communities, including  those working  in the
logic,  constraint  and  functional  programming paradigms,  but  also
embracing languages, database  languages, and knowledge representation
languages. The  goal is  to stimulate research  in the use  of logical
formalisms  and  methods  for  specifying, performing,  and  analyzing
computations,   including   mechanisms   for   mobility,   modularity,
concurrency,  object-orientation,  security,  verification and  static
analysis. Papers related to the use of declarative paradigms and tools
in industry and education are especially solicited. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to

* Functional programming
* Logic programming
* Answer-set programming
* Functional-logic programming
* Declarative visual languages
* Constraint Handling Rules
* Parallel implementation and concurrency
* Monads, type classes and dependent type systems
* Declarative domain-specific languages
* Termination, resource analysis and the verification of declarative
* Transformation and partial evaluation of declarative languages
* Language extensions for security and tabulation
* Probabilistic modeling in a declarative language and modeling reactivity
* Memory management and the implementation of declarative systems
* Practical experiences and industrial application

This   year  the  conference   will  be   co-located  with   the  25th
International   Symposium  on   Logic-Based   Program  Synthesis   and
Transformation (LOPSTR 2015).

The  conference will  be held in Siena, Italy.  Previous symposia were
held  at Canterbury  (UK),  Madrid (Spain),  Leuven (Belgium),  Odense
(Denmark), Hagenberg (Austria),  Coimbra (Portugal), Valencia (Spain),
Wroclaw (Poland),  Venice (Italy), Lisboa  (Portugal), Verona (Italy),
Uppsala  (Sweden),   Pittsburgh  (USA),  Florence   (Italy),  Montreal
(Canada), and Paris (France). You might have a look at the contents of
past PPDP symposia.

Papers  must  describe original  work,  be  written  and presented  in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published  or   that  are  simultaneously  submitted   to  a  journal,
conference, or  workshop with refereed proceedings.  Work that already
appeared in  unpublished or informally  published workshop proceedings
may be submitted (please contact the PC chair in case of questions).

After the symposium, a selection of the best papers will be invited to
extend their submissions in the light of the feedback solicited at the
symposium.   The papers  are expected  to include  at least  30% extra
material over and above the PPDP version. Then, after another round of
reviewing, these revised  papers will be published in  a special issue
of SCP with a target publication date by Elsevier of 2016.

Important Dates

   Abstract Submission: 	      14 March, 2015
   Paper submission: 		      20 March, 2015
   Notification: 		      14 May,   2015
   Camera-ready: 		      To be announced
   Symposium:			      14-16 July, 2015
Authors  should  submit  an  electronic  copy of  the  full  paper  in
PDF. Papers  should be  submitted to the  submission website  for PPDP
2015. Each submission must include  on its first page the paper title;
authors  and   their  affiliations;   abstract;  and  three   to  four
keywords. The keywords will be used to assist the program committee in
selecting appropriate  reviewers for the paper.  Papers should consist
of   the   equivalent  of   12   pages   under   the  ACM   formatting
guidelines.  These   guidelines  are  available   online,  along  with
formatting templates  or style files. Submitted papers  will be judged
on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and
clarity. They should  include a clear identification of  what has been
accomplished and  why it is  significant. Authors who wish  to provide
additional material to  the reviewers beyond the 12-page  limit can do
so in  clearly marked appendices:  reviewers are not required  to read
such appendices.


Patrick Cousot, New York University, USA (Jointly with LOPSTR)
Martin Hofmann, LMU Munich, Germany
Program Committee

    Michael Adams, University of Utah, USA
    Puri Arenas, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
    Amir Ben-Amram, Tel-Aviv Academic College, Israel
    Ines Castro, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
    Patrick Cousot, New York University, USA
    Gregory Duck, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    Fabio Fioravanti, University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
    Thom Frühwirth, University of Ulm, Germany
    Roberto Giacobazzi, University of Verona, Italy
    Michael Hanus, CAU Kiel, Germany
    Andy King, University of Kent, UK
    F. López-Fraguas, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
    Ian Mackie, University of Sussex, UK
    Dale Miller, INRIA and LIX/Ecole Polytechnique, France
    Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam, Germany
    Tom Schrijvers KU Leuven, Belgium
    Frank D. Valencia, CNRS and LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, France
    German Vidal, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
    Marina Vos, University of Bath, UK
    Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial College London, UK 

Program Chair

    Elvira Albert
    Complutense University of Madrid
    C/ Profesor Garcia Santesmases
    E-28040 Madrid, Spain
    Email: elvira at sip.ucm.es

Symposium Chair

    Moreno Falaschi
    Department of information engineering and mathematics
    University of Siena, Italy
    Email: moreno.falaschi at unisi.it

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