[gambit-list] -target js

Mikael mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 01:40:02 EST 2013


Two Q:s:

First, when you got a very basic sample app like a DOM-based hangman going,
feel free to share code

Second, how is the type mapping - fixnums, flonums, bignums all wrapped to
JS double, Scheme string and vector to JS string and vector?


2013/11/21 Francois Magnan <magnan at categoricaldesign.com>

> Hi,
> Sorry to disturb you again on this. I continued my experiments with
> “-target js”. I reimplemented quasiquote, unquote… and I stumbled on a
> strange bug that mystifies me: now “cons” function is not known. I have
> sucessfully compiled programs using cons with -target js many times but now
> it just won’t compile it correctly. Here is a simplified version of the
> code just to illustrate what I see:
> ; File:  Minimal-Ex1.scm
> (declare (standard-bindings)
>          (extended-bindings)
>          (fixnum) (not safe))
> ; include Marc's code
> (include "obj2str.scm")
> ;;;
> ;;;; debugging utility
> ;;;
> (define (console.log x)
>   ;; Note: the parameter x will be in variable Gambit_r1
>   (##inline-host-statement "console.log(Gambit_r1.toString());\n"))
> ;;;
> ;;;; list utilities I had to redefine
> ;;;
> (define (myreverse l)
>   (define (iter a b)
>     (if (null? a) b
>       (iter (cdr a) (cons (car a) b))))
>   (iter l (list)))
> (define (iota n)
>   (myreverse (riota n)))
> (define (riota n)
>   (if (= n 0)
>       (cons 0 '())
>     (cons n (riota (- n 1)))))
> (define (foldl func accum lst)
>   (if (null? lst)
>       accum
>       (foldl func (func accum (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
> (define (foldr func end lst)
>   (if (null? lst)
>       end
>       (func (car lst) (foldr func end (cdr lst)))))
> (define (appendo . lists)
> (foldl append2 '() lists))
> (define (append2 l1 l2)
>   (foldr cons l2 l1))
> (console.log (object->string (cons 1 2)))   ; OK   (1 . 2)
> (console.log (object->string (iota 5)))     ; OK   (0 1 2 3 4 5)
> (console.log (object->string (append2 (list 1 2 3) (list 'a 'b 'c))))  ;
> FAILS [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Gambit_bb1_cons
> —————————————————————————————————————-
> magnan$ gsc -c -target js  Minimal-Ex1.scm
> magnan$ node Minimal-Ex1.js
> (1 . 2)
> (0 1 2 3 4 5)
> /Users/magnan/CDSCode/CDSProducts/Athena-Embedded/src/Athena-Embedded/Minimal-Ex1.js:5551
>   Gambit_r1 = (Gambit_bb1_cons);
>                ^
> ReferenceError: Gambit_bb1_cons is not defined
> You see that (cons 1 2) and (iota 5) compiles well but not (append2 … ).
> Can you explain this?
> Thank you,
> Francois Magnan
> On 2013-11-18, at 16:02, Francois Magnan <magnan at categoricaldesign.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> I was finally able to make a simplified version my program work when
> compiled to javascript but I am missing some crucial elements to complete
> the experiment:
> 1 - Variable number of parameters for functions: (define (function . args)
> …)
> 2 - Quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing
> Without 1) I cannot get functions like “append” so I have a hard time
> trying to solve 2).
> Can you give me hints for that or drop me an email when those features
> become available with the “-target js” option?
> Thank you,
> François
> On 2013-11-14, at 17:06, Marc Feeley <feeley at iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
> On Nov 14, 2013, at 4:23 PM, Francois Magnan <magnan at categoricaldesign.com>
> wrote:
> By the way ##inline-host-code doesn’t seem to work anymore.
> (define (console.log x)
> ;; Note: the parameter x will be in variable Gambit_r1
> (##inline-host-code “console.log(Gambit_r1);\n”))
> How can I inline javascript code now?
> Thank you,
> Francois
> Recall that ##inline-host-code no longer exists... you have to use
> ##inline-host-statement and ##inline-host-expression depending on the
> nature of the code.  For example, this works for me using node:
> (declare (extended-bindings) (not safe))
> (define (show arg)
> (##inline-host-statement "console.log(Gambit_r1.toString());"))
> (show 'hello)
> (show "world")
> (show (##inline-host-expression "1+2+3"))
> Marc
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