[gambit-list] PADL 2014: Call for Papers

Matthew Flatt mflatt at cs.utah.edu
Mon Jul 29 14:49:06 EDT 2013

                          Call for Papers

                  16th International Symposium on 
      Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2014)


         San Diego, California, USA, January 20-21, 2014
                    Co-located with ACM POPL'14

                      Conference Description

   Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide 
attractive frameworks for application development. These languages 
have been successfully applied to many different real-world situations, 
ranging from data base management to active networks to software engineering 
to decision support systems.

   New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new 
application areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages 
to novel problems raise numerous interesting research issues. Well-known 
questions include designing for scalability, language extensions for 
application deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications 
drive the progress in the theory and implementation of declarative 
systems, and benefit from this progress as well.

   PADL is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present original 
work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques 
for all forms of declarative concepts, including, functional, logic, 
constraints, etc. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * Innovative applications of declarative languages
   * Declarative domain-specific languages and applications
   * Practical applications of theoretical results
   * New language developments and their impact on applications
   * Declarative languages and Software Engineering
   * Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications
   * Practical experiences and industrial applications
   * Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom
   * Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and reactive languages.

   PADL'14 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications 
and implementation of declarative languages. In this occasion 
PADL is co-located, as traditionally, with ACM POPL, which will be held 
immediately following PADL. The symposium will be held in San Diego, 
California, USA.

              Important Dates and Submission Guidelines

              Abstract Submission:    September  6, 2013
              Paper Submission:       September 13, 2013
              Notification:             October 21, 2013
              Camera-ready:            November 10, 2013
              Symposium:             January 20-21, 2014

   Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper in PDF
using the Springer LNCS format. The submission will be done through
EasyChair conference system. If electronic submission is impossible,
please contact the program chairs for information on how to submit
hard copies. All submissions must be original work written in
English. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for
publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or
informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted. PADL'14
will accept both technical and application papers:

   * Technical papers must describe original, previously unpublished
     research results. Technical papers must not exceed 16 pages in
     Springer LNCS format.
   * Application papers are a mechanism to present important practical
     applications of declarative languages that occur in industry or
     in areas of research other than Computer Science. Application
     papers will be published in the Springer-Verlag conference
     proceedings, and will be presented in a separate session.
     Application papers are expected to describe complex and/or
     real-world applications that rely on an innovative use of
     declarative languages. Application descriptions, engineering
     solutions and real-world experiences (both positive and negative)
     are solicited. The limit for application papers is 6 pages in
     Springer LNCS format.

                         Program Committee

	Matthew Flatt (co-chair), University of Utah, USA 
	Ronald Garcia, University of British Columbia, Canada 
	Hai-Feng Guo (co-chair), University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
	Manuel Hermenegildo, Technical University of Madrid, Spain 
	Joohyung Lee, Arizona State University, USA 
	Yuliya Lierler, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA 
	Sam Lindley, University of Edinburgh, UK 
	Leaf Petersen, Intel, USA 
	Rinus Plasmeijer, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands 
	C.R. Ramakrishnan, Stony Brook University, USA 
	Sukyoung Ryu, Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea 
	Manuel Serrano, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France 
	Yi-Dong Shen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 
	Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University, USA 
	Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne, Australia 
	Peter Thiemann, University of Freiburg, Germany 
	Hans Tompits, Vienna University of Technology, Austria 
	Aaron Turon, Max Plank Institute, Germany 
	David Van Horn, Northeastern University, USA 
	German Vidal, Technical University of Valencia, Spain 


   For additional information about papers and submissions, please
contact the Program Chairs:

    Matthew Flatt
    School of Computing, University of Utah 
    Email: mflatt <AT> cs <DOT> utah <DOT> edu
    Hai-Feng Guo
    Department of Computer Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha
    Email: haifengguo <AT> unomaha <DOT> edu 

                      With the Cooperation of
               The Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
                            ACM SIGPLAN

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