[gambit-list] Proposed patch

Bradley Lucier lucier at math.purdue.edu
Sat Dec 14 13:42:54 EST 2013

On 12/10/2013 10:27 PM, Marc Feeley wrote:
> OK, I have now added (and pushed to the repo) a unit testing framework in the tests subdirectory.  It is mostly compatible with the unit testing framework of Racket.  You can execute it with:
>     cd tests
>     ./run-unit-tests.scm
> The unit tests are in the unit-tests directory.

Here's what the results look like now:

    firefly:~/programs/gambit/marc/gambit/tests> gsi run-unit-tests.scm
    [   3|   0|   0]   9% ###.......................................    .0s
    *** ERROR IN "unit-tests/03-number/cosh.scm"@5.14 -- Unbound
    variable: cosh
    [   3|   1|   0]  12% #####.....................................    .0s
    *** ERROR IN "unit-tests/03-number/acosh.scm"@5.14 -- Unbound
    variable: acosh
    [   3|   2|   0]  15% ######....................................    .0s
    "unit-tests/03-number/acos.scm"@5.1: FAILED (check-eqv? (acos 1) 0)
    GOT 0.
    [   4|   3|   0]  21% #########.................................    .0s
    *** ERROR IN "unit-tests/03-number/atanh.scm"@5.14 -- Unbound
    variable: atanh
    [   4|   4|   0]  25% ##########................................    .0s
    "unit-tests/03-number/asin.scm"@18.1: FAILED (check-eqv? (asin
    1e-30+1e-40i) 1e-30+1e-40i) GOT 1e-30+5.0000000000000005e-61i
    [   4|   5|   0]  28% ###########...............................    .1s
    "unit-tests/03-number/atan.scm"@18.1: FAILED (check-eqv? (atan
    1e-30+1e-40i) 1e-30+1e-40i) GOT 1e-30-0.i
    [   4|   6|   0]  31% #############.............................    .1s
    *** ERROR IN "unit-tests/03-number/sinh.scm"@5.14 -- Unbound
    variable: sinh
    [   6|   7|   0]  40% #################.........................    .1s
    "unit-tests/03-number/tan.scm"@9.1: FAILED (check-eqv? (tan
    1e-30+1e-40i) 1e-30+1e-40i) GOT 1e-30-0.i
    [   6|   8|   0]  43% ##################........................    .1s
    *** ERROR IN "unit-tests/03-number/tanh.scm"@5.14 -- Unbound
    variable: tanh
    [   7|   9|   0]  50% #####################.....................    .1s
    "unit-tests/03-number/sin.scm"@9.1: FAILED (check-eqv? (sin
    1e-30+1e-40i) 1e-30+1e-40i) GOT 1e-30-0.i
    [   7|  10|   0]  53% ######################....................    .1s
    *** ERROR IN "unit-tests/03-number/asinh.scm"@5.14 -- Unbound
    variable: asinh
    [  21|  11|   0] 100% ##########################################    .2s
    FAILED 11 OUT OF 32 (34.4%)

Install my patch and these tests will pass, and I'll send you more to 
package as you like.


PS:  After installing from git, run-unit-tests.scm is not executable.
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