[gambit-list] Simple benchmark of |->integer| and |->flonum| on integer, flonum and rational input. For the further if you have any idea of a definition faster than (inexact->exact (floor n)) feel free to share :)

Mikael mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 22:01:46 EDT 2013

Hi Brad,

Yeah found ##flonum.->exact-int at the same time as you wrote.

(From tests, for reference, floor is ~15 million per sec always, while
inexact->exact takes time for flonums and rationals and for the others is a

So a performant, general definition goes:

(define ->integer
  (let ((fixnum-max-as-flonum (##fixnum->flonum ##max-fixnum)))
    (lambda (n)
      (declare (not safe))
       ((##fixnum? n) n)
       ((##bignum? n) n) ; Bignums are integer by definition
       ((##flonum? n) (if (##fl< n fixnum-max-as-flonum)
                        (##flonum.->fixnum n)
                        (##flonum.->exact-int n)))
       ((##ratnum? n) (##inexact->exact (##floor n)))
       (else          (error "Complex numbers not supported"))))))

> (->integer 5)
> (->integer 5.)
> (->integer 10/7)
> (->integer 1e25)
> (->integer 1000000000000000000000000)

Note that it is a completely safe procedure, even while it has (declare
(not safe)) as to make compilation more efficient.

(->integer 5)                         41,862,119
(->integer 5.)                        26,032,509
(->integer 536870912.)                 2,625,793 (this is the max flonum +
1, as a fixnum)
(->integer 1e15)                       1,097,751
(->integer 1e25)                         643,797
(->integer 10/7)                       5,134,476
(->integer 1000000000000000000000000) 41,216,439

Well, this is as good as it goes then :)


Yes you certainly have a point about the semantics of Gambit/Scheme
numerical operations; do you recommend any particular document for really
getting them?


2013/4/25 Bradley Lucier <lucier at math.purdue.edu>

> On Apr 24, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Mikael wrote:
> >
> > I'd love to see the flonum to integer speed a bit higher (yellow above),
> I mean in C that's just  double d; int i = (int) d; .
> If you want to do that, you can do (##flonum->fixnum d) (undocumented,
> internal function):
> > (##flonum->fixnum 5.5)
> 5
> > (##flonum->fixnum -5.5)
> -5
> But that isn't floor; that doesn't work for large flonums.
> If you want C, you can write C in Gambit.  Many people don't understand
> the semantics of the numerical operations in Scheme generally, or in Gambit
> in particular.
> Brad
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