[gambit-list] Slow Bit Hacking with c-lambda
Bradley Lucier
lucier at math.purdue.edu
Wed Nov 7 12:38:43 EST 2012
I rewrote your code to magnify the difference between inlined abs and
min and FFI abs and min. I came up with this:
;; ffi-test.scm
(declare (standard-bindings)
(not safe)
;; the following is not generally recommended
(not interrupts-enabled))
(define abs-integer
(c-lambda (int) int
"// we want to find the absolute value of arg1
int const mask = ___arg1 >> sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1;
___result = (___arg1 + mask) ^ mask;"))
(define min-integer
(c-lambda (int int) int
"// find the smaller of arg1 arg2
___result = ___arg2 ^ ((___arg1 ^ ___arg2) & -(___arg1 <
(define N 10000000)
(define (test-abs)
(let ((result (time (let loop-i ((i 0)
(result 0))
(if (fx< i N)
(loop-i (fx+ i 1)
(abs i))
(time (let loop-j ((j 0)
(result result))
(if (fx< j N)
(loop-j (fx+ j 1)
(abs-integer j))
(define (test-min)
(let ((result (time (let loop-i ((i 0)
(result 0))
(if (fx< i N)
(loop-i (fx+ i 1)
(min result i))
(time (let loop-j ((j 0)
(result result))
(if (fx< j N)
(loop-j (fx+ j 1)
(min-integer result j))
;; run tests
The result is
heine:~/Downloads> gsc -keep-c -cc-options '-save-temps'
heine:~/Downloads> gsi ffi-test
(time (let loop-i ((i 0) (result 0)) (if (fx< i N) (loop-i (fx+
i 1) (abs i)) result)))
9 ms real time
8 ms cpu time (8 user, 0 system)
no collections
no bytes allocated
no minor faults
no major faults
(time (let loop-j ((j 0) (result result)) (if (fx< j N) (loop-j
(fx+ j 1) (abs-integer j)) result)))
357 ms real time
356 ms cpu time (356 user, 0 system)
no collections
no bytes allocated
no minor faults
no major faults
(time (let loop-i ((i 0) (result 0)) (if (fx< i N) (loop-i (fx+
i 1) (min result i)) result)))
15 ms real time
16 ms cpu time (16 user, 0 system)
no collections
no bytes allocated
no minor faults
no major faults
(time (let loop-j ((j 0) (result result)) (if (fx< j N) (loop-j
(fx+ j 1) (min-integer result j)) result)))
459 ms real time
460 ms cpu time (460 user, 0 system)
no collections
no bytes allocated
no minor faults
no major faults
Search for ^ in ffi-test.i and ffi-test.c to see how your C code is
included in the generated C code.
So starting by worrying about how low-level features are implemented in
Gambit is totally the wrong way around. Start by learning how to use
the options and declarations that Gambit offers. I use Gambit all the
time for image processing, and I don't have any problems with speed.
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