[gambit-list] Clojure to Gambit Scheme compiler

Nathan Sorenson nathan.d.sorenson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 16:45:20 EDT 2012

> Honest question: Why not Gambit directly?

That question to me amounts to "How is Clojure better than X," which
is a pretty big discussion. I'd say the primary reason is social. I've
done much of my personal programming in Clojure due to various
contingent factors (working with Java constraint solving libraries,
various SVG rendering libs etc...) so I'm comfortable with the
language and know the community. I see ClojureScript picking up steam
and I see native mobile as a natural piece of the server+browser
ecosystem starting to form around Clojure+ClojureScript. I hope
clojure-scheme fits that hole.

I definitely wouldn't try to make the claim that Clojure is
fundamentally "better" on a technical or aesthetic level as a

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