[gambit-list] quest for running gambit on POS embedded devices

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 05:49:33 EST 2012


so, i've managed to fight myself through the forest of compiling
gambit on the castles POS terminal, and using it as an embedded script
language managed from a hand written C main function.


well, almost. the problem is that when i run it on the device, all i
get is a random "code 11" error from inside ___setup. it's most
probably a sigsegv obfuscated by the lost souls in Taiwan who think
that "for the convenience of the programmer" giving years old cygwin
exe's of GCC, and translating linux error to their own codes is a
help... but that sigsegv is just a wild guess. see my main pasted at
the end of the mail.

i was pondering what are the requirements for gambit to run in this
setup? is it a problem e.g. that setup_params.gambcdir is not set, nor
the files are available?

any other ideas?

my plan is to compile gambit with the terminal API libs, and add some
printf debugging inside ___setup, but these tasks are hard enough to
ask the more experienced beforehand.

and as a little feedback, here are a few thoughts on what would have helped me:
 - something as simple as a "git clone foo" for a simple usage as
mine, and not being exposed to the complexity of all the bootstrapping
related headaches (which are irrelevant for my use-case). this here is
way too much details for a simple use-case as mine:

 - an example that compiles on linux, is less complicated than the
examples/iOS, and demonstrates how to use gambit from C. especially
the magic -D___LIBRARY trick.

 - more descriptive names. these names very much don't help
understanding what's going on, let alone the single namespace C has:
___setup, ___names_prefixed_with_large_number_of_underscores instead
of "gmb_" or something, -D___LIBRARY to stop generating a C main

meanwhile i've given up on chibi scheme, purely as a subjective
decision, and slightly influenced by its painfully slow speed of
loading the libs (which i didn't investigate and may be due to the
platform). i'm fighting on 3 fronts (lua, chibi, gambit), so it's not
an absolute judgement on chibi, just my subjective least resistance.

given the difficulty in approaching gambit, i would also have given up
on gambit if i didn't met Marc on a conference and didn't have such a
good impression... :) gambit also seems to be too big for the other
smaller POS (http://www.justtide.com/products_detail/&productId=897969ac-a238-4fc8-b2b6-163e506edf8c.html),
the exe is 3.5M, 800k zipped.

compiling and running lua was by far the simplest task with the least
number of headaches, even though it's the first time i approached lua.
if the language wasn't that weird, lacking data types of my taste,
etc... then i'd have already settled down on lua already. but given
the headaches i had with compiling scheme's, i'm kinda leaning towards
swallowing the lesser language and just implement what actually pays
for the bills, as opposed to the intellectual adventure... :)


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PGP: 2FA1 A9DC 9C1E BA25 A59C  963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
OTR XMPP: 8647EEAC EA30FEEF E1B55146 573E52EE 21B1FF06

    ___setup_params_struct setup_params;



    setup_params.version = ___VERSION;
    setup_params.display_error = gambit_error_trap;
    setup_params.fatal_error   = gambit_error_trap;
    setup_params.min_heap      = 3*1024*1024;
    setup_params.max_heap      = 8*1024*1024;




    CTOS_LCDTPrintXY(1, 2, gambit_eval_string("(+ 2 3)"));

    logg("Done eval'ing...");


    logg("Cleaning up...");

    ___cleanup ();

    return 0;

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