[gambit-list] Interactive development with Gambit?

Joe Doyle Ardent gambit at ardent.nebcorp.com
Tue Feb 28 15:49:26 EST 2012

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 03:14:48PM -0500, François Magnan wrote:
> Actually, the development was done on a Mac with a remote REPL running 
> in the iPad for incremental/interactive developement.

	So, here's a question about that: can you, or anyone else who 
has done similar, describe that workflow?  Are you able to build up a 
program by poking at the REPL, and then have that built-up state reified 
into a compiled binary?

	I'm asking about this because I'd like to have a Scheme 
environment that is similar to this, from Bret Victor's mindblowing 
talk, "Inventing on Principle" (specifically, starting right after the 
18 minute mark):


	However, I've never seen any dev environment like this, for 
Scheme or otherwise.  Does SLIME/Swank provide something similar?


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