[gambit-list] How access arbitrary memory addresses (r/w)?
mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 22:26:06 EDT 2012
Hi Brad,
Thank you for pointing it out - very funny.
I re-ran the test with varied compiler declares set, inspired by your test.
In all cases was standard-bindings and extended-bindings on.
With safe off and interrupts off:
The u8vector-ref fx+ etc are both inlined indeed, independent of if they're
##-prefixed or not. They generate equivalent C and assembly outputs. This
is the same thing as your test shows.
So this is exactly the expected behavior, it's inlined, great.
Here comes something funny:
With safe is on and interrupts off:
The only difference with the previous one in expansion, is that
u8vector-length now (not ##-prefixed) now brings with it a u8vector? test
And here's what's funny: it appears to me that each evaluation step is made
by putting on the stack, together with the host procedure's state, an
instruction for the respective procedure (##u8vector-ref ##fx+ etc.) to be
invoked, and then the host procedure returns.
In this mode, ##u8vector-ref ##fx+ etc. are not inlined.
There seem to be some conditions that can make the host procedure not
return, but I didn't quite understand until now what happens in those
cases, i.e. if some kind of jump or call to ##u8vector-ref is made directly
without a return being made or alike.
This is really funny, I though just using ##-prefixes on procedures was
enough for exactly those calls to be executed with the highest speed, but
apparently that was not the case. I'd be interested what the motivation for
this is, perhaps some kind of safety mechanism for stack overflows??
Why can't ##u8vector-ref ##fx+ etc. be inlined, wouldn't that somehow
With safe off and interrupts on:
Same as safe off and interrupts off, plus three interrupt checks.
With safe on and interrupts on:
Same as safe on and interupts off, plus six interrupt checks.
Regarding the possibility of using ##u8vector-ref for accessing arbitrary
memory addresses, I'm starting to think that clearly can be done, though
the details would need to be worked out. A pure ##sysmem-byte-ref would be
slightly faster though, as it would not need the operation of adding
together the "zeroref-u8vector"'s base address (0) with the requested
Best regards,
(In the assembly, highlighted the central loop with yellow. In the first
test it's clear to me exactly which it is, in the second test it's only an
approximate guess.)
*First test, safe off, using procedures under their ordinary names and by
their ##-prefixed names respectively, both produce equivalent C and
assembly output*
Code variant 1:
(declare (standard-bindings)
(not interrupts-enabled)
(not safe)
(define (inc-u8v u with-what)
(let ((l (u8vector-length u)))
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(let loop ((at 0))
(if (fx< at l)
(u8vector-set! u at (fx+ (u8vector-ref u at) 123))
(loop (fx+ at 1)))))
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
Code variant 2:
(declare (standard-bindings)
(not interrupts-enabled)
(not safe)
(define (inc-u8v u with-what)
(let ((l (u8vector-length u)))
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(let loop ((at 0))
(if (##fx< at l)
(##u8vector-set! u at (##fx+ (##u8vector-ref u at) 123))
(loop (##fx+ at 1)))))
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(define inc-u8v
(lambda (u with-what)
(let ((l ('#<procedure #2 ##u8vector-length> u)))
(let ((begin-temp.3 ('#<procedure #3 ##c-code> "asm(\"noop\");")))
(let ((begin-temp.2 ('#<procedure #3 ##c-code> "asm(\"noop\");")))
(let ((begin-temp.1
(letrec ((loop (lambda (u l at)
(if ('#<procedure #4 ##fx<> at l)
(let ((begin-temp.0 ('#<procedure #5
##u8vector-set!> u at ('#<procedure #6 ##fx+> ('#<procedure #7
##u8vector-ref> u at) 123))))
(loop u l ('#<procedure #6 ##fx+>
at 1)))
(loop u l 0))))
('#<procedure #3 ##c-code> "asm(\"noop\");")))))))
.file "t1.c"
.align 2
.type _Z12___init_procv, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___lp
add %eax, 16
mov DWORD PTR ___G__20_t1, %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___G__20_t1
mov DWORD PTR ___G__20_t1+4, %eax
mov %eax, 0
pop %ebp
.size _Z12___init_procv, .-_Z12___init_procv
.globl __gxx_personality_v0
.align 2
.globl ____20_t1
.type ____20_t1, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
mov %eax, OFFSET FLAT:___module_descr
pop %ebp
.size ____20_t1, .-____20_t1
.align 2
.type _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
sub %esp, 60
cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8], 0
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L6
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], OFFSET
jmp .L8
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+24]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-48], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+40]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+44]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+48]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+52]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-24], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___lp
add %eax, 48
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-52], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+56]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-56], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %eax, 7
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], %eax
jmp [DWORD PTR [%ebp-20]]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+76]
cmp %eax, 2
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
jne .L11
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-52]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+60], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___gstate+292
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-56], %eax
jmp .L13
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
dec %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
shr %eax, 8
sal %eax, 2
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 4
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-40]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], 0
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-52]
add %eax, 16
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
sub DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 16
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-32]
cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], %edx
jge .L14
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-28]
sar %eax, 2
mov %edx, %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
lea %eax, [%edx+%eax]
add %eax, 3
movzx %eax, BYTE PTR [%eax]
movzx %eax, %al
sal %eax, 2
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-24], %eax
add DWORD PTR [%ebp-24], 492
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-28]
sar %eax, 2
mov %edx, %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
lea %eax, [%edx+%eax]
lea %edx, [%eax+3]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-24]
sar %eax, 2
mov BYTE PTR [%edx], %al
add DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], 4
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-32]
cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], %eax
jl .L15
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], -18
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-40]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-56], %edx
jmp .L16
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-4]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
add DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 16
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 4
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-56], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %eax, 11
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
cmp %eax, OFFSET
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L13
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %eax, 7
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], %eax
jmp .L9
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+56], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-48]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+24], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+8], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-40]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+36], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+40], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-32]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+44], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-28]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+48], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-24]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+52], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-60]
.size _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct,
.align 2
.type _Z11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_struct, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
sub %esp, 20
cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8], 0
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L21
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], OFFSET
jmp .L23
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-8], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+40]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-4], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___lp
add %eax, 16
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-12], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+76]
test %eax, %eax
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
jne .L26
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-12]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+60], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___gstate+292
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-16], %eax
jmp .L28
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-12]
add %eax, 32
mov DWORD PTR ___G_inc_2d_u8v, %eax
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-4], -18
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-8]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-16], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-16]
add %eax, 11
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
cmp %eax, OFFSET
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L28
jmp .L24
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-16]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+56], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-4]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+40], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-16]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-20]
.size _Z11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_struct,
.section .rodata
.string " t1"
.align 32
.type ___module_descr, @object
.size ___module_descr, 136
.long 406002
.long 0
.long .LC0
.long 1
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long ___lp
.long ___lbl_tbl
.long 5
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long _Z12___init_procv
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.local ___lp
.comm ___lp,4,4
.align 4
_ZZ15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl, @object
_ZZ15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl, 16
.long 0
.long .L10
.long .L17
.long 0
.align 4
.type _ZZ11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl,
.size _ZZ11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl,
.long 0
.long .L25
.long 0
.align 32
.type ___lbl_tbl, @object
.size ___lbl_tbl, 96
.long 1030
.long -2
.long .LC0
.long 0
.long 118
.long 0
.long 0
.long _Z11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_struct
.long 2054
.long -2
.long 0
.long 0
.long 630
.long 0
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 4101
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits
Second test, safe is on, using ##-prefixed procedure name variants
(declare (standard-bindings)
(not interrupts-enabled)
; (not safe)
(define (inc-u8v u with-what)
(let ((l (u8vector-length u)))
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(let loop ((at 0))
(if (##fx< at l)
(##u8vector-set! u at (##fx+ (##u8vector-ref u at) 123))
(loop (##fx+ at 1)))))
(##c-code "asm(\"noop\");")
(define inc-u8v
(lambda (u with-what)
(let ((l (if ('#<procedure #2 ##u8vector?> u) ('#<procedure #3
##u8vector-length> u) ('#<procedure #4 u8vector-length> u))))
(let ((begin-temp.3 ('#<procedure #5 ##c-code> "asm(\"noop\");")))
(let ((begin-temp.2 ('#<procedure #5 ##c-code> "asm(\"noop\");")))
(let ((begin-temp.1
(letrec ((loop (lambda (u l at)
(if ('#<procedure #6 ##fx<> at l)
(let ((begin-temp.0 ('#<procedure #7
##u8vector-set!> u at ('#<procedure #8 ##fx+> ('#<procedure #9
##u8vector-ref> u at) 123))))
(loop u l ('#<procedure #8 ##fx+>
at 1)))
(loop u l 0))))
('#<procedure #5 ##c-code> "asm(\"noop\");")))))))
.file "t1.c"
.align 2
.type _Z12___init_procv, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___lp
add %eax, 16
mov DWORD PTR ___G__20_t1, %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___G__20_t1
mov DWORD PTR ___G__20_t1+4, %eax
mov %eax, 0
pop %ebp
.size _Z12___init_procv, .-_Z12___init_procv
.globl __gxx_personality_v0
.align 2
.globl ____20_t1
.type ____20_t1, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
mov %eax, OFFSET FLAT:___module_descr
pop %ebp
.size ____20_t1, .-____20_t1
.align 2
.type _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
sub %esp, 68
cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8], 0
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L6
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-68], OFFSET
jmp .L8
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+24]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-48], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+40]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+44]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+48]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+52]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-24], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___lp
add %eax, 48
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-56], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+56]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-60]
add %eax, 7
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], %eax
jmp [DWORD PTR [%ebp-20]]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+76]
cmp %eax, 2
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
jne .L11
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+60], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___gstate+292
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
jmp .L13
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-52], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-52]
and %eax, 3
cmp %eax, 1
jne .L14
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-52]
dec %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
and %eax, 248
cmp %eax, 168
je .L16
mov BYTE PTR [%ebp-61], 1
jmp .L17
mov BYTE PTR [%ebp-61], 0
movzx %eax, BYTE PTR [%ebp-61]
test %al, %al
jne .L18
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
dec %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
shr %eax, 8
sal %eax, 2
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
jmp .L20
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 24
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 28
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
add DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 32
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 4
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-40]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], 0
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %eax, 112
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
sub DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 16
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 4
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-40]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 8
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 12
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-32]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 16
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-28]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-28]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %edx, 32
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %edx
sub DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 32
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+76], 2
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___G__23__23_fx_3c_+4
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
jmp .L23
cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], -2
je .L25
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 16
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 24
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %edx, 48
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+76], 2
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___G__23__23_u8vector_2d_ref+4
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
jmp .L23
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], 492
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %edx, 64
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+76], 2
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___G__23__23_fx_2b_+4
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
jmp .L23
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 16
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 24
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %eax, 80
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+76], 3
mov %edx, DWORD PTR ___G__23__23_u8vector_2d_set_21_+4
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %edx
jmp .L23
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 16
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], 4
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %eax, 96
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+76], 2
mov %edx, DWORD PTR ___G__23__23_fx_2b_+4
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %edx
jmp .L23
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-28], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 20
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-32], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 24
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
add %eax, 28
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
add DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 32
jmp .L22
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], -18
add DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 32
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 4
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
jmp .L23
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-4]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-36], %edx
add DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 16
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 4
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %eax
jmp .L23
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 4
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-40]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
sub %eax, 8
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-56]
add %eax, 16
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-40], %eax
sub DWORD PTR [%ebp-44], 32
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+76], 1
mov %edx, DWORD PTR ___G_u8vector_2d_length+4
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-60], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-60]
add %eax, 11
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
cmp %eax, OFFSET
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L13
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-60]
add %eax, 7
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], %eax
jmp .L9
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-60]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+56], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-48]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+24], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-44]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+8], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-40]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+36], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-36]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+40], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-32]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+44], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-28]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+48], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-24]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+52], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-60]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-68], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-68]
.size _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct,
.align 2
.type _Z11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_struct, @function
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
sub %esp, 20
cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8], 0
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L35
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], OFFSET
jmp .L37
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+36]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-8], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+40]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-4], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___lp
add %eax, 16
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-12], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax+76]
test %eax, %eax
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
jne .L40
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-12]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+60], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR ___gstate+292
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-16], %eax
jmp .L42
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-12]
add %eax, 32
mov DWORD PTR ___G_inc_2d_u8v, %eax
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-4], -18
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-8]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-16], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-16]
add %eax, 11
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%eax]
cmp %eax, OFFSET
sete %al
movzx %eax, %al
test %eax, %eax
je .L42
jmp .L38
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-16]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+56], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp+8]
mov %edx, DWORD PTR [%ebp-4]
mov DWORD PTR [%eax+40], %edx
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-16]
mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-20], %eax
mov %eax, DWORD PTR [%ebp-20]
.size _Z11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_struct,
.section .rodata
.string " t1"
.align 32
.type ___module_descr, @object
.size ___module_descr, 136
.long 406002
.long 0
.long .LC0
.long 1
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long ___lp
.long ___lbl_tbl
.long 11
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long _Z12___init_procv
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.local ___lp
.comm ___lp,4,4
.align 32
_ZZ15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl, @object
_ZZ15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl, 40
.long 0
.long .L10
.long .L21
.long .L24
.long .L27
.long .L28
.long .L29
.long .L30
.long .L31
.long 0
.align 4
.type _ZZ11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl,
.size _ZZ11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_structE11___hlbl_tbl,
.long 0
.long .L39
.long 0
.align 32
.type ___lbl_tbl, @object
.size ___lbl_tbl, 192
.long 1030
.long -2
.long .LC0
.long 0
.long 118
.long 0
.long 0
.long _Z11___H__20_t1P25___processor_state_struct
.long 8198
.long -2
.long 0
.long 0
.long 630
.long 0
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 12309
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 61461
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 61461
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 61461
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 61461
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 28693
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 3198
.long 4101
.long 0
.long _Z15___H_inc_2d_u8vP25___processor_state_struct
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.long 0
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits
2012/8/9 Bradley Lucier <lucier at math.purdue.edu>
> I don't know what you want to do, but this code:
> (declare (standard-bindings)
> (extended-bindings)
> (not interrupts-enabled)
> (not safe))
> (define (u8transfer in out)
> (do ((i (fx- (u8vector-length in) 1) (fx- i 1)))
> ((fx< i 0))
> (u8vector-set! out i (u8vector-ref in i))))
> expands to
> [Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/Downloads] lucier% gsc -cc-options
> "-save-temps" -keep-c -expansion fxtest.scm
> Expansion:
> (define u8transfer
> (lambda (in out)
> (letrec ((do-temp.0
> (lambda (in out i)
> (if ('#<procedure #2 ##fx<> i 0)
> #!void
> (let ((begin-temp.1 ('#<procedure #3 ##u8vector-set!>
> out i ('#<procedure #4 ##u8vector-ref> in i))))
> (do-temp.0 in out ('#<procedure #5 ##fx-> i 1)))))))
> (let ((i ('#<procedure #5 ##fx-> ('#<procedure #6 ##u8vector-length>
> in) 1)))
> (if ('#<procedure #2 ##fx<> i 0)
> #!void
> (let ((begin-temp.1 ('#<procedure #3 ##u8vector-set!> out i
> ('#<procedure #4 ##u8vector-ref> in i))))
> (do-temp.0 in out ('#<procedure #5 ##fx-> i 1))))))))
> and the inner loop is
> L14:
> movq %rdx, %rax
> sarq $2, %rax
> subq $4, %rdx
> movzbl 7(%rsi,%rax), %ecx
> leaq 0(,%rcx,4), %r8
> movb %cl, 7(%r9,%rax)
> jns L14
> which seems to have about 1 extra instruction (I don't know what the load
> effective address is doing there).
> Brad
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