[gambit-list] Bootable Gambit repo

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Tue Apr 17 09:38:03 EDT 2012

On 2012-04-17, at 7:19 AM, Raffael Cavallaro wrote:

> On Apr 16, 2012, at 4:26 PM, Marc Feeley wrote:
>> The steps to follow are:
>>   git clone git at github.com:feeley/gambit.git
> I'm far from being a git expert, but I think that first line only works for those who have write access to the repository (at least it errors for me when I try it).
> This works for everyone:
> git clone https://github.com/feeley/gambit.git
> warmest regards,

Thank you.  I had forgotten about that.  Here is what I have put at the top of the README file (which is shown on the main github page):

Quick-install instructions for a typical installation

  git clone https://github.com/feeley/gambit.git
  cd gambit
  ./configure --enable-single-host
  make bootstrap
  make bootclean
  make check
  sudo make install

Detailed installation instructions are given in the file "INSTALL.txt".

And here is what I have added at the top of the INSTALL.txt file:

1) Obtaining the Gambit source code

The Gambit source code can be obtained in different ways.

 - You can get the most recent version of the sources directly from
   the Gambit repository on github:

     % git clone https://github.com/feeley/gambit.git
     % cd gambit

   Note that the source code obtained may contain some stale .c files.
   Up to date files can be obtained after the system is built using
   the commands "make bootstrap; make bootclean; make".  The last
   "make" uses the Gambit compiler to generate up to date .c files.

 - You can get a specific release, preferably the latest, in the form
   of a compressed tar ball (.tgz extension).  The simplest is to use
   a browser to visit the Gambit wiki (http://gambit.iro.umontreal.ca)
   and click on "Development Sources" to download the compressed tar
   ball.  Alternatively, use wget or curl from the command line,
   for example:

     % wget http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/download/gambit/v4.6/source/gambc-v4_6_5-devel.tgz
     % tar zxf gambc-v4_6_5-devel.tgz
     % mv gambc-v4_6_5-devel gambit
     % cd gambit

   Note that releases come in two flavors.  The "developer" release,
   which has a "-devel" suffix in its name, contains the complete git
   history.  It is a snapshot of the Gambit repository at a particular
   point in time.  The "plain" release, without the "-devel" suffix in
   its name, does not contain the git history and is much more compact
   than the developer release.

Obtaining a version of the sources with the git history is required if
you intend to contribute changes to the Gambit repository.  In that
case you will need a github account.  Please send a message with your
github user name to gambit at iro.umontreal.ca to request write

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