[gambit-list] Determine if symbol is bound

Mikael mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Mon May 9 10:42:55 EDT 2011

I advise you to go back to your intent that leads you to want to do this,
and revise what you do to fulfill it.

Probably you can achieve what you thought you'd do this way, some other way
that's much better. (Better in the sense that you don't need to make scope,
module or Scheme system-specific hacks to make it go around.) Not keeping
state in globals for instance, can be part of the solution.

2011/5/8 William James <w_a_x_man at yahoo.com>

> How do you check to see if a symbol is already bound?
> To be used in this fashion:
> (if (bound? x)
>  (set! x 22)
>  (define x 22))
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