[gambit-list] Gambit REPL iOS app

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at mac.com
Tue Mar 15 17:29:24 EDT 2011

On Mar 15, 2011, at 5:11 PM, mikel evins wrote:

> Then why ban Scratch?

The Scratch motto is "Imagine. Program. Share." Apple appears (at the moment) to have no problem with the "Imagine" and "Program" bits. They have real problems with the "Share" part. As long as users are in their own private box (i.e., scheme interpreter) they can write whatever code they like. Once they start downloading and running code others have written, Apple will cut them off at the knees. Pixie Scheme is safe as long as all people use it for is inconsequential repl doodling. If people start posting, downloading, and running significant scripts/programs, Apple will ban it.

> Your reasoning sounds sensible.

True, though I never claimed it would be a reliable guide to Apple's future actions. ;^)

> That leads me to suspect that you have never worked for any length of time at Apple.

True. But I was a seed site for Apple Dylan and am quite familiar with Apple's "power to cancel your very best."

> A sure sign of the non-Apple veteran is overestimating the importance of plausible rationales, and underestimating the importance of bad moods and caprice.

Again, I was only putting forward a logical possibility, not making guarantees about Apple's future behavior, which I agree, is likely to be quite arbitrary.

If one wants *guarantees* about being able to do anything with an iOS device, one should jailbreak it.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro
raffaelcavallaro at me.com

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