[gambit-list] Gambit for Android version 0.2 Released

Keith Flower keith at keithflower.org
Fri Aug 12 04:40:14 EDT 2011

A new version (0.2) of Gambit for Android has been released on the Android Market: 


You can read more about Gambit for Android here:


Thanks to Steve Graham, Alexander Shendi, Marc Feeley, and others for valuable feedback and suggestions on this version.

Features added:
    A native code crash triggers optional email to the developer with a description and stack backtrace (Java-side problems are already automatically reported).
    Adding a new script adds to the beginning of the script list, rather than to the end.
    User can start the REPL server from the Android menu.
Bug fixes:
    Some Java-Native Interface functions were serialized to prevent thread contention.
    Fixed REPL window backspace problem, which caused a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
    Changed aviation weather script example - NOAA seems to have altered its web interface.
    Added Gambit tests to the Android version test suite:

What I'm currently working on:
    Incorporating Gambit (iOS) v2.0 changes. 
    Adding user interface preferences, e.g., choose REPL window font size.
    Migrating source to Gambit git repository.
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