[gambit-list] Porting to "small" machines -- target requirements?

Vincent St-Amour stamourv at ccs.neu.edu
Fri Sep 17 12:50:34 EDT 2010

If you're interested in embedded systems, you may want to have a look
at Picobit, a Scheme written specifically for small embedded systems:

Marc and I wrote a paper talking about the system. It's available

Picobit has been used on PIC18 microcontrollers and on x86, but since
it's written in portable C, it could run pretty much anywhere.


At Thu, 16 Sep 2010 19:07:17 -0700,
Michael Wirth wrote:
> Folks,
> Has anyone done an estimate (or measurement!) of the resources
> required on the target platform to do a port of Gambit?  For example,
> for a given processor architecture, what are the memory requirements
> to support a port of the interpreter for code, stack space, data RAM,
> etc. Other HW resources and functional support?
> I have in mind the types of processors currently used by "embedded
> systems", which tend to have lots of processor power, but either
> simple and small memories or rather baroque memory architectures
> (e.g., a mixture of ROM, fast and slow RAM, writeable FLASH, etc.) and
> no VM support or rotating storage.
> It would be nice to get some "lessons learned" feedback from Gambit
> porters before charging down a blind alley myself :-)
> Mike Wirth
> Palo Alto, CA
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