[gambit-list] ILC 2010 Schedule

Antonio Menezes Leitao antonio.menezes.leitao at ist.utl.pt
Mon Oct 4 12:42:10 EDT 2010

With the usual apologies to those who receive multiple copies.  This
version contains the schedules of presentations and tutorials.

                   International Lisp Conference 2010
                          October 19-21, 2010
                     John Ascuaga's Nugget (Casino)
               Reno/Sparks, Nevada, USA (near Lake Tahoe)
            Collocated with SPLASH 2010 (OOPSLA & DLS & more)
                see also http://splashcon.org as well as
                   In association with ACM SIGPLAN

The Association of Lisp Users is pleased to announce the 2010
International Lisp Conference, to be held in Reno, Nevada, in
collocation with SPLASH 2010.

This year's program consists of tutorials for beginners and advanced
users, a selection of prominent invited speakers, an excellent
technical session, lightning talks and an open forum.

All ILC and other SPLASH co-located registrants have free admittance
to the ILC tutorials.  Note that these tutorials are double-tracked
across from the early-morning SPLASH keynote addresses.


 See also http://www.international-lisp-conference.org/2010/schedule

Tuesday, October 19

  ILC tutorial: Ernst van Waning
    Introduction to Common Lisp, part 1

  SPLASH keynote: Stephanie Forrest
    The Case for Evolvable Software

  ILC invited speaker: Dr. Lawrence Hunter
    Building a Mind for Life

  ILC invited speaker: Jans Aasman
    AllegroGraph and the Linked Open Data Cloud

  Hannes Mehnert
    Extending Dylan's Type System for Better Type Inference and Error

  Shingo Yuasa and Masahiro Yasugi
    Validating Low-Level Instructions for Fixnums using BDDs

  Roy Turner
    LP/Lisp: Literate Programming for Lisp

  Francois-Rene Rideau and Robert Goldman
    ASDF 2: Evolving an API to Improve Social Interactions

Wednesday, October 20

  ILC tutorial: Ernst van Waning
    Introduction to Common Lisp, part 2

  ILC tutorial: David Margolies
    AllegroGraph, Lisp for a NoSQL World

  SPLASH keynote: Benjamin C. Pierce
    Art, Science, and Fear

  ILC invited speaker: Marc Feeley
    Gambit Scheme: Inside Out

  ILC invited speaker: Peter Seibel
    Common Lisp Standardization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

  Tomoharu Ugawa, Hideya Iwasaki, and Taiichi Yuasa
    Starvation-free Heap Size for Replication-Based Incremental
    Compacting Garbage Collection

  John Maraist
    NST: A unit testing system for Common Lisp

  ALU meeting

Thursday, October 21

  ILC tutorial:
    Introduction to Common Lisp, part 3

  SPLASH keynote: Kenneth Stanley
    Searching Without Objectives

  ILC Invited speaker: Lowell Hawkinson
    Lisp for Breakthrough Products

  ILC Invited speaker and SPLASH keynote: Don Syme
    F#: Taking Succinct, Efficient, Typed Functional Programming into
    the Mainstream

  Didier Verna
    CLon, the Command-Line Option Nuker

  Masahiro Yasugi, Tsuneyasu Komiya, Tasuku Hiraishi and Seiji Umatani
    Managing Continuations for Proper Tail Recursion

  Lightning talks and open forum

Conference Registration:

  Due to colocation, registration must be done using ILC/SPLASH'10
  unified registration forms available at http://splashcon.org

  Please note that the registration page (page 3) has the option
  "SPLASH (OOPSLA/Onward!)" selected by default. If you are only
  planning to attend ILC, don't forget to deselect that option.

Travel and Accommodation:

  SouthWest Airlines offers low fares into Reno but requires booking
  online at www.southwest.com

  John Ascuaga's Nugget offers reduced rates for ILC participants; see
  http://splashcon.org to obtain the group code; or you can have your
  travel agent look for best bookings (e.g. priceline.com)


Lisp is one of the greatest ideas from computer science and a major
influence for almost all programming languages and all sufficiently
complex software applications.

The International Lisp Conference is a forum for the discussion of
Lisp and, in particular, the design, implementation and application of
any of the Lisp dialects.  We encourage everyone interested in Lisp to

Organizing Committee:

 * General Chair:
   JonL White - The Ginger IceCream Factory of Palo Alto, ALU

 * Program Chair:
   Antonio Leitao - Instituto Superior Tecnico/INESC-ID

 * Conference Treasurer:
   Duane Rettig - Franz, Inc., ALU Director

 * Publicity Chair:
   Daniel Herring - ALU Director

 * ALU Treasurer:
   Rusty Johnson - TASC, Inc., ALU Director

Program Committee:

 * Antonio Leitao - Instituto Superior Tecnico/INESC-ID, Portugal
 * Alex Fukunaga - University of Tokyo, Japan
 * Charlotte Herzeel - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
 * Christophe Rhodes - Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
 * Didier Verna - EPITA Research and Development Laboratory, France
 * Duane Rettig - Franz, Inc., USA
 * Giuseppe Attardi - University of Pisa, Italy
 * Jeff Shrager - Symbolic Systems Program, Stanford University, USA
 * Joe Marshall - Google, Inc., USA
 * Julian Padget - University of Bath, UK
 * Keith Corbett - Clozure Associates, USA
 * Kent Pitman - PTC, USA
 * Manuel Serrano - INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
 * Marc Feeley - University of Montreal, Canada
 * Marie Beurton-Aimar University of Bordeaux 1, France
 * Mark Stickel - SRI International, USA
 * Matthias Felleisen - Northeastern University, USA
 * Scott McKay - ITA Software, USA


 * Questions: ilc10-organizing-committee at alu.org

 * Program Chair: ilc2010 at easychair.org

For more information, see http://www.international-lisp-conference.org

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