[gambit-list] compiling javascript syntax to scheme

James Long longster at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 16:30:56 EDT 2010

Hey guys,

I'm thinking about a product I want to develop in the future, and I think a
crucial point will be to convince non-Scheme developers to use it, and
possibly convert them to Scheme programmers.  I want to include a
"scripting" language in my product which has the syntax of Javascript.  I
want to compile this language to Scheme.

This is exactly what SIX does in Gambit, but SIX doesn't quite have the
grammar I want and is incomplete (I think "return" does nothing?).

Is anyone else interested in working on this?  I need to look at the SIX
compiler in Gambit.  I could either extend it, or write a parser from
scratch using something like SILex. I love the idea of SIX (including a
built-in infix grammar), but is it used anywhere?  Is anyone interested in
improving SIX to make it more usable as an actual language?

- James
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