[gambit-list] Gambit, iPod touch, arm6, mix interpreted and compiled code _not_

Mats mats.westin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 04:06:40 EST 2010


I'm testing scheme on the iphone. I'm compiling scheme to c with gsc.
And then compiling c with xcode. This binary is then used on the
iphone simulator with great success. I can connect with a REPL and
change running code. It works like expected.

When doing the same over the wireless network to my real iPod
touch(arm6). I can create new functions, verify that I can change
them, but the running application is in "read-only"-mode. I looks like
the REPL accept the changes, but the running program do not change. It
feels like I can't mix compiled with interpreted code anymore. The
compiled code lives in it's own world.

1. How to research this problem in the REPL? Or where do I look for a solution.

I have just started looking at scheme. I have no prior experience with gambit.
This is my first mail to the mailing-list.


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